Mistakes. We’re all human and make them, but sometimes, they really get the best of you and beat you down. Yesterday was one of those days for me. I just couldn’t get anything right! I’ve been working on a craft for the Blog and I attempted to dye something. I hung it out to dry and when I went to check on it an hour or so later, it was completely white again. The color just didn’t take so, I will have to try again another day.
Then, I decided to make my Pumpkin Spice Whoopie Pies. I grabbed my Wilton Harvest Whoopie Pie Pan and couldn’t wait to get started! The first batch rose too high, so I had to start all over. I tweaked some of the ingredients and all was well. I then began my cream cheese buttercream and it was too soft. I had just about had it! I was so frustrated with everything going wrong, that I decided to take a break and re-group. I really needed that, because when I tried the second time, I nailed it!
So, the moral of this story, is never give up. Sometimes, we just have bad moments or days and that’s totally okay. Take a break, brush it off and try again! Always.
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