Why does it seem like the busiest time of the school year is around the Holidays? I swear the teachers load the kids up with activities, homework, and projects. With all that goes on, it’s often difficult to squeeze in some of our favorite traditions as pastimes. Each year, my littles and I grab one of those cookie decorating kits and create a few masterpieces. They don’t last very long, but it’s fun to see their artistic abilities and progression throughout the years.
I teamed up with Walmart and Kleenex® to bring you this post and all the fun that ensued. Decorating cookies each year brings us together as a family and really allows us to share quality family time. These are the moments I enjoy most and will cherish forever and I’ll always look for more ways to enjoy more quality family time! Hey, they’re only little for so long, right? I mean really, can you imagine asking your 14-year-old to decorate cookies with you and the response you’ll get? I sure can’t!
No one ever said cookie decorating was easy or clean! Things can get a bit messy and that is why we had our Kleenex® Hand Towels close by. I absolutely love this product, and I’m not just saying that. Aside from using them for little activities, crafts, and light cleanups, I keep them in the bathrooms. I am notorious for never having a hand towel in the guest bathroom, so my Kleenex® Hand Towels are always there for backup.
I also keep a box by the kitchen sink as well. We go through paper towels like nobody’s business, but I prefer these as they are soft on my hands. They also come in cute Holiday themed boxes, which keep my home quite jolly around this time of year.
Boys will be boys, right? My little guy refused his Kleenex® Hand Towel while creating his cookies, but what little boy doesn’t like things to get a little messy? Sometimes, I have to pick my battles and this one was easy to let go because Kleenex® had my back!
While shopping at Walmart this week, I noticed that Kleenex® had their holiday designs out. So, I grabbed a few of the Kleenex® Hand Towels and Kleenex® Perfect Fit for the little stuffy noses that will likely flood my home this holiday season.
As the Holiday’s draw near, the stores get busier and busier and who wants to deal with that when you just need a couple little things? Order online and get everything shipped to your home with Walmart’s FREE two-day shipping. You can also schedule your pick-up at the store and avoid those crazy lines.
Visit Walmart’s Holiday Family Care page and take advantage of the following offers and check these items off of your Christmas List: