When Bunbun’s Kindergarten Teacher mentioned that she wanted to do a board for “Random Acts of Kindness,” I immediately thought of The Giving Tree. It was one of my favorite books as a child and I had to jump at the opportunity! I searched on Google for the book cover and used her teachers projector to project the image of the boy. I drew it on poster board and thickened the lines with a sharpie. I colored him in, cut him out and up he went! She absolutely LOVED this board and plans to leave it up until she retires in a few years.
How did you make the tree?
I cut and used bulletin board paper for the trunk. I stapled it on and shoved some crumbled newspaper inside to give it some dimension. I then crumbled and rolled out some branches with the paper and stapled them down. Cut leaves with the leaf die-cut available in the teachers lounge and just attached them and overlapped for the 3-D effect. Teachers are not allowed to tape/staple to the walls, so I couldn’t go as large as I really wanted. Please share your tree when you’re done. I’d love to see it!